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Monday, May 18, 2015


I struggling with many things in my life right now. The biggest thing for me right now is not getting married, I just want to be married and in love right now. I always thought that I would never get married,because I'm handicapped I believe with all my heart I had that vision, in the mirror for a reason. I saw me on my wedding day. I saw my dress, the flowers and it was perfect and beautiful.

In March I bore my testimony about how I climbed the mountain, and how i felt the Saviours presence there cheering me on. After testimony meeting was over I met this guy, and he told me that it was an amazing testimony. I don't think it  was planned that we met. I think the Saviour had a plan in it. He knows when I need people. He knew I needed to meet him.  That He knew I needed a friend in that moment at that time. Whenever I feel down in the dumps the Lord has someone call me, or something will happen that is a true testimony  to me. I love the Lord with all my heart. I believe in Him and His promise. That I will get married and have children. My husband has to be special to take me to the temple.

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Well it is Mothers Day  and i would like to pay tribute to my Mom. She's my best friend. She has been there for me through the good times and the hard times. My mom is beautiful and strong. She has strengthen me. She taught me so much. I love her dearly.
I Love you Mom

Sunday, May 3, 2015

My Wedding

I have been thinking a lot about this,the flowers, the dress, the man of my dreams. I will be crying because i can't believe its finally happening. I can imagine the reception it will be so romantic & beautiful. I dream about that day.