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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My year!!

This is my year meaning this is the year that I get a job. I have a feeling that everything is going to work out and I'm going to be happy. I have a feeling that i got blockbuster i sure hope so. I find its ridiculous that i have been waiting so long. This is my time Baby!! It was so good to talk to Rob my fud of a brother yeah thats right i went there buddy. I am so proud of him. In a couple months that will be andrew I'm proud of them. This year will be so good because Marion and tyson are comming to Calgary an hour away instead of 6 I'm so excited for that. 2011 will be a great year im excited. I'm really excited to go See Jen and Brent and the kids its been so long, well since November but still.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Dear Family and Friends,

I wasn't going to do this till next week but i know that some of you will be on christmas break and all that. Anyway this year has been a good year. Its been really hard to because in the summer i was switching medicine it was hard because i was in hayden idaho and i really had no energy. I've had a lot of fun this year with my family i feel that we have grown closer as a family especially with my sisters I can't wait till Marion moves to calgary she'll only be an hour away, we need sister time, And i love her rugrats to death. I love all my nieces and nephews. I really miss jen and brent and the kids this year but such as life. Rob left this year and that was really hard I still cry from time to time but i get through it. Andrew leaves next year thats going to be hard. I feel that we have gotten really close especiallly on my 25th birthday i had so much fun. I went to preference with an amazing guy. I mostly spent the night dancing with andrew and his friends that was fun. I made a big move to this year i cut my hair and i couldn't be happier. I also dyed my hair a really dark brown. I have been going to the gym and its been great working out with my friend otherwise i would never get motivated. Looking for a job has been hard but I know the Lord has a special plan for me. I made some great friends this year and a lot of them have been there through the good and bad times. I am so blessed to have them!!

Merry Christmas



Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I can't believe its Christmas. This year has gone by way to fast, it seems like yesterday that we were getting ready to go to hayden. I love this time of year. Its a time to be with loved ones. I love my family so much they mean the world to me, Without them i would be lost.