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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Everything Everything

In life you meet people that are difficult. Yesterday i was at the hub and i had a disagreement with someone about writing. I said that there are people out there that will not accept a script written by someone with a disability, they said its about the writing, but i made the point that it's about getting overlooked as someone with a disability. My best friend teaches me singing lessons and we were talking about something, and i don't know how it came up but i said something about my disability and he said i find that self-centred He's right. I need to get over my disabilty. I have one yes but i need to see me for me. I don't want to lose my opportunity to go to the hub i love it there. Its my home away from home and i love the merrymakers.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Goodbyes & Other Things

Goodbyes are hard to do, but the people that say goodbye always come back. Sometimes it is hard for me to say goodbye because i want to go to. A friend of mine died last month, I didn't know her that well but i really loved her. In January we did a movie together, it was fun we really connected. i helped her with her lunch. She was at the hub the other day i didn't say hi i wish i did. I know i will she her again.