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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

God Knows I'm Alive

God Knows I am Alive I struggle with life sometimes, and I struggle with letting things go. Fights I’ve had in the past, comments people have made to me at my expense. I sometimes care to much what other people think of me. I get scared to talk to people, because I feel it is turned around on me and its not ok for me to feel that way. I erase text messages and Facebook because I don’t how people think I’m horrible or judge me because I feel how I feel. feel small when people are hard on me. Music helps me to deal with my trials in my life. It feels like God communicates with me through music. He knows what I need when I need it, what I need to hear. My sister Jen said something one time in a talk to one time and it never left me, writing is like praying to God. That’s how I feel its like its just me and Him talking, He talks back by sending me something or someone will reach out to me. for This virus is hard on a lot of people, is life ever going to happen again. It is like Rapunzel “When will our life begin?” It’s hard not seeing people not having contact, but thank goodness for technology like Facetime etc.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Con Crap

So i'm not going to disneyland because of the virus. Im housebound and it sucks. I can't go see I Still Believe. Its not fun but on the plus side i do have my writing. I will make it to disney land one day

Monday, March 2, 2020


Happy March. This month is going to be awesome I’m so excited. I get to go to Disneyland I’m excited. I always wanted to go ever since I was a little girl.