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Sunday, November 10, 2019

My Movie premiere

I had an opportunity to attend a movie premiere it was amazing. It was cool to be on the red carpet. The movies were called Bartimus and Walk with me. I really liked Walk with Me it really said something. It was about this man and his son. The sons dad had the shakes and everyone was staring at him because he was different. I related with Walk with me because i know what it is like to get stared at. I face that challenge sometimes i get stared at because I'm different and its uncomfortable to be in that position. I am just like everyone else i do have a disability but that does not define the person that i am. I can do a lot of things. I loved the movie it was beautiful. It made me emotional. I am glad there are movies out there like that out there. Bartimus was good it was about this man that got angry. I really wanted to know his back story. I thought it was a story of redemption. My friends did this movie and they did an amazing job. I hope one day to have my name on the big screen.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

An experience

Yesterday I had a experience that was hard. I went to talk to a friend about my book.  It was hard for 2 reasons he was really late i was annoyed about that. The 2nd reason was it was really hard to communicate with him. I was putting to much pressure on myself. Then this lady was stared at us and that was rude

Friday, November 1, 2019


Wow big month for me last month my book came out on the 16 i can't believe it, its a dream come true. I'm already working at my other book. I believe with all my heart this book will bring me many blessings and people can really get to know me