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Monday, March 8, 2021

My Faith

I have been avoiding this post for a couple weeks now, because I been procrastinating this thing has been weighing on my heart so here it goes. I met this guy online and I thought he was perfect for me, he was a chirstan and he was a writer, I really liked him. We were chatting for a couple weeks, we talked about family and writing, and then we started talking about faith and this is where I got lost and hurt. He didn't want a relationship because he said i believed in Joseph Smith. This really upset me because I got confused I still am. I will not change who i am or what i stand for. I am who I am because of Him. The perfect man doesn't exist for me and it hurts to get dimissed because of my disabilty or my faith. I sometimes feel that my perfect man is not out there. I am a good person and I try my best.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Ball Pit

I want to jump in a ball pit