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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Best Of Me

I really loved this movie I thought it was beautiful. I cried because it was sad. It was like the notebook but it was really good. Of corse you can't beat a classic like the notebook but this is on my list of favourites.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My Dear Firends

Recently I have lost both of my friends, Gary Wickwire and Lisa Lindstrom. They both held a special place in my heart and I want to pay tribute to them.

Let me start with Gary Wickwire, Gary was a special guy, he was my adoptive grandfather. Whenever i saw him he had this big smile for me. He always told me that I look good and it was good to see me. he was very encouraging about my writing. He always had a twinkle in his eye and i loved that about him.

Lisa Lindstrom was my teachers aide. She always called me "Miss Jess". We always had fun. She taught me a lot. I remember in grade 6 she got my entire class, to throw me a surprise party. It was really fun having her as an aide.

I love these two people very much.
I will Miss them so much.
You guys will remain in my heart forever.